Drove back to the coast and camped at Wright Beach, one of the most dangerous beaches in California…sleeper waves, strong backwash and rip tides! Great beach for collecting colored stones and jade pebbles. We’re headed for Redwood National Park in northern California. Ultimately, for the short term, bound for Coos Bay, Oregon to meet Arnold & Lucille (Alaskan friends-Athabascan) for a pow wow. Not
just a rendezvous, but a real Indian pow wow…dancing, drumming, and music.
At the pow-wow, we won a free night's stay at The Mill Casino, so we stayed another night. Played a few slots, watched movies, then headed back up the coast the next morning. Stopped in Salem, Oregon and visited my old college friend Tim Greer; he lives on a beautiful farm. We had a good dinner and great conversations about long lost friends...to the Big Bang theory...to Oregon politics...to the health benefits of cursing....ha!!! Loved it. Next stop, Portland.
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