Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bryce Canyon and Beyond

How to catch up on so many days!!! The spires of Bryce Canyon in winter is majestic. We headed to Zion (pretty cold), then south to Phoenix (ah...warmth!). It was good to see Grandma and Frank; we spent several days with a boatload of relatives, watching football games and eating good food in the retirement community of Sun Lakes. Then headed back north with Anna & Joe in search of a hot springs. Took the camper off-road into some spectacular scenery, i.e., saguaro (sp) & barrel cactus, sagebrush, palo verde, creosote, and other natural wonders that Anna pointed out. Kent & Joe explored an old mine they found in the side of a mountain. Me and Anna hoped they wouldn't get "shafted" (we decided to stay outside in the sunlight) and told them not to make cave widows out of us. Soon after, we were back on the road. Spent an entire day roaming a Rock & Gem Pow Wow in Quartzsite, Arizona. It was fabulous. Left the desert and headed west toward the Pacific... Drove through a wind farm north of Palm Springs that made us feel like we were plunked down in the middle of a sci-fi movie...really cool. And now...Santa Barbara. Great to hang with the boys and their friends, watching basetball, playing guitars, and yakking about life in general. The ocean was a welcome site, indeed

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Southern Utah is a backpacker's dream

1/15/08: Rule Number One: Never camp in wash bottoms. OK, so we didn't camp, just hiked the Grand Wash trail along a narrow wash bottom with sheer canyon walls on both sides. There is something humbling and glorious about being in the midst of ancient rock. Todays' scenes: vaulted white rock domes, colorful cliffs, twisting canyons, graceful arches. Juniper and pinon trees, mule deer. This is great horse back riding country (in another life, cowboys are my weakness!!). Tomorrow we're off to the soaring spires of Bryce Canyon. No more words...see the pics...

Moving South

1/14/08 : Many days with no Internet access. The city of Provo, Utah has not one Internet cafe ; we inquired at the Visitor Center why this was so and was told it just wasn’t popular enough to have in their town. Hmm. Funny how they’re available in some of the remotest places on the planet, but not insular Provo. Currently we’re headed for Capitol Reef in southern Utah, and will visit Bryce Canyon and Zion. Diverse landscapes yet close in proximity. We spent last night at 8,000 ft. elevation on the road to Fish Lake. Elk and deer, horses grazing, cattle feed lots, small towns, country cafes, and, finally, flat out in your face blazing sunshine!! Amazing how good it feels on your body. “Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun, but Mama, that’s where the fun is!” (what band was that??)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Bellingham Arrival

The road trip continues. We have had 4 days of welcome rest here on board but are ready to start driving again. First stop Monica's friend Amy's, then on to Meridian, ID, where we will pick up our new (to us) camper. I have picked up some sort of respiratory bug and am fighting it off with hot liquids "I shall overcome". More later...
Amy & Jim

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Inside Passage

1/10/08: How the days fly by when traveling. Turns out we’re on the water for 4 days, from Haines, Alaska to Bellingham, Washington. Alaska has more coastline than the rest of the U.S. combined & half of its coastal cities are unreachable by conventional road, thus the Alaska Marine Highway System. This is public transportation, not a cruise line (forget the gym and shuffleboard) but safety and comfort abound. Aboard the Malaspina, we are gently rocked to sleep at night like babies in cradles. It is a tranquil voyage with forests, fjords and peaceful communities along the Inside Passage. Sitting in the front lounge, with 360 degree views and lolling along at 16 knots is incredibly relaxing; reading, playing BananaGram (like Scrabble w/no rules), listening to our IPODS and coloring (I bought a mandala coloring book) feels almost timeless. From Ketchikan to Prince Rupert as we make a crossing at Dixon Entrance, exposure to rolling waves of the Pacific and the rebound waves off the shores creates what is called a “confused sea”; walking like drunkards and hanging onto walls disrupts our serenity, but only for a couple of hours. Then the sea becomes flat as we sail through even narrower passage in British Columbia, Canada. Back to my book, “Mind of the Raven”. I think my spirit medicine is the raven, since I had a raven dream and bought a beautiful raven painting that I couldn’t walk away from (by the Canadian artist, Natalie Porteneau); now I notice them everywhere and pay attention. Au revoir! (sp)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hello Haines

After an uneventful day of driving, we stayed in a hotel and started anew. From Haines Junction, Yukon Territory, Canada to Haines, Alaska. Wow, more mountain vistas. Red fox, red fox, what do you see? I see 2 humanoids staring at me! I'm wondering how a red fox survives in these monstrous white mountains, but we startled up enough spruce grouse to shake a stick at, so that must be his soup de jour. Dozens of eagles perched in trees along the Chilkat River as we enter Haines; tomorrow is a day of photography as our ferry does not leave to sail the Inside Passage until 7:30 pm. We'll be on the water 3 days, with a fine state room to boot. Bon voyage!

Eagle River to our cabin in Tazlina

1/4/08: Eagle River to Tazlina:
We skeedaddled out of Dodge, or, should I say mozied after numerous stops for tire chains, haircuts, snack purchases, a postal rendevous and a couple cups of joe…geez. Good thing we don’t have to be anywhere anytime soon. Slightly slippery roads and 18 degrees, which gradually decomposed to minus 21 outside Glennallen. We’ve driven this road a hundred times before on our way out to Tazlina and the scenery never gets jaded, No traffic whatsoever (who the hell does road trips in the winter????); just snow peaked mountains at dusk, pink skies, blue glaciers and frozen rivers. Winter is cool. Soft, quiet, eerily still. The cabin is…fr…freezing cold, so we lit a fire in the stove and went to town for a pizza. Still warming up as I write this. In time, the cabin becomes cozy. As we lay down in the loft,( in science, it would be called the “energetic advantages of huddling”), we spoon tightly to generate heat, then dream back 30 years. Three decades ago, we were cuddled tightly under a thick velour quilt, on the lower level of Kent’s partially constructed house in Fox, Alaska, an outpost north of Fairbanks. The walls were soundproof; the wood stove, fashioned out of a large piece of the oil pipeline, blazed, and snow blanketed the floor above us. That day started our journey together and now we have come full circle. Another partially constructed cabin home, blanketed with snow at 22 degrees below zero, we lay huddled and grateful and happy. Tomorrow we continue to Tok, one of the few places on earth where I have bad bad memories of a winter trip many moons ago. Clutching baby Zach between us on a hard bed in a Quonset hut and being charged $100 a night to half way freeze to death…THAT’S my memory of Tok; we shall buzz right on through that shanty town this time! 1/5/07: I love words, especially these two: Kandahar and Chistochina. I love the way they sound as they roll off your tongue and into the atmosphere. Kandahar, of course, is in Afghanistan and as I say it, I envision the similarities of these two polar opposites as we pass through Chistochina (doesn’t that sound pretty?), a tiny Athabascan village. It is minus 9 degrees, very little relief in the landscape, gray skies, black spruce blanketed in white, mountains sugar coated white, black pavement dusted in white; ice fog (you guessed it, white), and the hurricane of snow whirling perpetually in front of us as we travel in the wake of a trucker, whose rig looks like a freight train hurling through, um, white. So back to Kandahar: zero relief in the landscape, people bundled in cloth to protect against the elements, 115 degrees, imperviously dry desert sand and whirling dust devils, a relentless yellow sun singing exposed body parts…perhaps the sun’s blisterous perilous sting is almost as painful as frostbite.
Kent just hooked up “Virginia”, our Garmin GPS mapping tool. Which is pretty ridiculous because there is only ONE road out of Alaska so it’s virtually impossible to get lost. But he likes to know where we are in relation to other parts of the world. Like, we’re now at the Little Tok River, which means we’re a long long ways from say, Monkey Forest Road in Ubud, Bali Indonesia. Yes, my darling gear head, that GPS is sure useful right now. “Virginia” informs us of our next destination: drive 290 miles, then turn right, she says in her monotonous diction. Well, DUH!
In Kent’s defense, while driving in a snow squall created by the wake of a 16 wheeler, “Virginia” alerts us to the existence of a T-bone intersection two miles down the road. And, “Virginia” just told us the sun has officially risen, at 10:06 am. Of course, you never actually see the sun, it’s just that in our world the sky has turned from darkness to light. So I correct Kent’s initial blog entry where he states, “in March we will return to sunny Alaska.” Sunny Alaska? Isn't that an oxymoron? Kona is sunny. Fiji is sunny. No, in March, we return to the light.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Third life, sometimes referred to as retirement, begins at the moment you free yourself from years of working at a regular job. I see this as an opportunity to do, while you're still healthy, many of the activities you have been putting off; to express yourself artisticly in ways not yet tried; teach what you can to willing learners; to visit old friends and family; to Reflect on what life has given and rejoice. So thats what we are going to do! Our beginning will start with a trip out of Alaska by pickup truck. We will travel to Haines, AK where we will catch the ferry headed south, land at Bellingham,Wa and drive to Boise, Id, to pickup a camper. Then we are off to destinations south, Utah, Arizona and California. Eventually we will return to sunny Alaska. Along the way Monica and I will be journaling our thoughts and observations through our writings and photographs ... stay tuned!